Tech Talk
‘Tech Talk’ is a project that is experimental in nature. It is geared as much towards developing linkages and robust communication channels between participants as it is to creating and quantifying technical outputs. As such the selected candidates will be required to discuss, share information and formulate/collaborate on joint projects.
On completion of the selection stage candidates will be sent a micro controller.
Phase 1: Monitoring and evaluation of the initial group’s activities.
Phase 2: Expand the number of candidates in Africa and extend the project to include candidates in the Caribbean.
Phase 3: Expand the number of candidates in Africa and extend the project to candidates in other parts of the world.
Candidate Requirements:
* be interested in IT and ideally have basic computing skills
* be open minded, interested and willing to effectively collaborate with people from other cultures/ countries
* be respectful of other peoples time, deadlines and a good communicator
* have good command of written and spoken English (more languages will be added in future)
* have good internet access, a good laptop or desktop and stable electricity supply